Sunday, July 12, 2009

Latest David Wilcock radio interviews

I haven't posted much recently due to not having found anything of interest as of late but I do have a few things in mind that I will be posting this week, starting with David Wilcock's most recent radio shows. I frequently visit his site to see if there's anything of interest to read, but lately he's been a bit busy and hasn't posted as frequently as he usually does.

There's way more that I wanted to include in this post but I think I'll keep it simple with just these two radio shows.

Enjoy and spread the word :)

David Wilcock - Myth or logic radio June 2009 (right click to save)

David Wilcock on Project Camelot Radio June 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Vive La France. Vive La UFO Revolution!

In the month of April I posted two HD quality videos of a UFO Press conference that took place on CNN, hosted by Steven Basset, founder of the Xconference. You can read that post here.

At the end of part two of those videos - during the last four minutes - Steven Basset suggests to the Obama Administration that they announce the presence of an ET race by the end of May. If they do not do it by the end of May then do it by June or July, he says, but we must act quickly. If not then perhaps another country, lets say France for example, might beat us to that announcement and "they will lead and we will follow" he says.

Check out the last four minutes of that video:

X-Conference 2009 - The end of the Press Conference at the National Press Club - Washington DC from Exopolitics Denmark on Vimeo.

This is another cool video I just watched on youtube that was also just posted recently. It contains clips from the video above.

First Contact

With that Said, the title of this post is the title of an article below that was just written on the 7th of this month! If this is true, we are in for some very exciting times in the next few months. Definitely pass this along to your friends.


By Michael Cohen

The words ‘Nous ne sommes pas seuls’ or ‘We are not alone’ will be somberly pronounced this week by a senior Government official of the nation that brought the world ‘Liberté, égalité, fraternité’. France is set to concede that it is aware of an alien presence on earth by no later than Friday.

Paris has chosen follow the lead of maverick UFO nation Brazil and resist US pressure to continue delaying disclosure until America feels it is ready for the event.

It is believed that a telephone hot-line has been set up in Paris to deal with queries from panicky citizens. A special division of France’s police department is also to be established: to handle UFO reports.

The French have gone to so much effort to protect their culture from encroaching ‘Anglo-Saxon’ influences and now they are preparing to protect their culture from what might be even more powerful extraterrestrial forces.It is believed Holland and Germany are set to soon follow France’s lead.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Richard Hoagland on Coast to Coast May 5th, 2009

I am pretty sure I have mentioned Richard Hoagland before on this blog. If you have not heard of who he is, look him up or go to his website Enterprise Mission. This is one of his most recent radio shows on Coast to Coast and it's quite good, enjoy.

From the description of the video on youtube:

First hour guest, Richard C. Hoagland gave an update on space topics. He suggested that Obama could be thinking of forgoing the Moon plan, and sending a mission directly to Mars instead. He also spoke about NASA's annual publication Spinoff that features successfully commercialized NASA technology, and is available for free.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Also for anyone who cares, here is the link for the book Richard mentions you can get from NASA for free.

NASA Spinoff book order form.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Amazing radio show with Steven Greer on the World Pujia Network

Hello friends, if I haven't done so before, let me introduce you to Steven Greer. He's a physician, a ufologist and a very big voice in the disclosure movement, in fact he's the founder of the disclosure project. He's also a contactee, which is what this radio show is all about and he has been doing this for 15+ years. Anyone who is a believer in the ET presence will be very psyched after listening to this show. I've been feeling like this for months - feeling that we'll make contact very soon, sooner than you might think. That pumps me up in a good way.

After listening to this show I am now thinking of how I could get together with people in my area who are aware of this information and would be interested in trying this ourselves. Personally I know it works and I can say that because I've had my own experience and I was able to share it with my mother and a very close friend of mine and his mom. I know what I saw, they know what they saw and no one could ever tell us otherwise. It was a moving experience and I will remember it forever. Unfortunately I will not go into that on this posting but if you like you can read a post I wrote in regards to the experience I had on the book of light forums. I'm known as Wanderer there.

Anyway, here's the link to the World Pujia Network broadcast with Steven Greer regarding ET Contact using our minds
:) I recommend you download the MP3 to be able to put up the volume even higher. The volume on that page's player is very low.

By all means, please pass this along to friends, even people whom you might think will not be interested in this. Who knows, maybe you'll get them to start asking questions.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Billy Meier: The silent revolution of truth

This is an even newer Billy Meier documentary and it's also better than the last one I posted recently. I've read and seen a lot of the Billy Meier information and this to me is one of the best documentaries on him you will find on the net at the moment. It summarizes a lot of what he has done and provides evidence to things that debunkers were calling fake. Check it out for yourself and pass it on to whomever you think might like this.

There are a total of 10 videos. This one is part one, you will be able to choose the next part as they finish.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Michael Horn - Pleaidians & Billy Meier Feb 2009

If you've never heard of Billy Meier, listening to this Michael Horn interview on coast to coast would be a good place to start. Another person who has covered the Billy Meier case and probably still does, is Randolph or Randy Winters. Randy spent quite some time with Billy and was able to get a lot of information from him regarding his contact with an ET race, the Pleaidians. If you look around in the net you can probably find what is reffed to as the Billy Meier contact notes, which is a total of 16, 90min tape narrations by Randy Winters. In them he covers an immense amount of information that you can only learn by listening to those tapes. Look them up, I highly recommend them.

Enjoy the show...

Michael Horn Coast to Coast Feb 2009
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The risks of believing that the Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012! by Carl Johan Calleman

When I became aware of the Dec 21st, 2012 date I had no idea it had to do with the Mayan calendar. After doing a little bit of research I soon ran into Carl Calleman's work by watching an Ian Lunghold lecture. The lecture educated me enough to come to understand that the calendar is perfect and from that moment on I started digging as much information in regards to 2012 as I could. I have to admit that I fall victim to what Carl Calleman is talking about in this article - believing that the the actual end date is Dec 21st, 2012. However I've always had the feeling that many more things will occur before we get to that date. For example - according to the mayan calendar - it is said that humanity will reach its highest state of consciousness by 2011. That probably means different things to different people. To me it means that we most likely - as a planet - we will be aware of all the wrong doings humanity has undergone for thousands of years; that everyone will know who the wrongdoers are, move on from that and realize we need to forgive these people for what they have done. From that point everyone will be very much aware of the oneness that connects us all and we will have a grandiose ascension. That's my vision. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this article, it's quite good and not too long - nine pages. Please pass it on to as many people as you can.

About eight years ago John Major Jenkins and I had a debate about the meaning of the Mayan calendar end date focusing especially on whether the energies of the Long Count ends on October 28, 2011 or December 21, 2012. This still remains the most important question anybody interested in the “2012 phenomenon” is faced with, but while at the time the debate might have seemed theoretical, or even hairsplitting, it is now a question that has very significant and practical consequences as to how we relate to the future. While many would like to sweep the end date question under the rug or sit on the fence, no one can do so with their intellectual integrity intact. Since that debate Jenkins has appeared on a History Channel documentary where December 21 2012 is presented as a predetermined “doomsday” when the world is going to come to an end. I get quite a few letters, sometimes from young people that worry that the world will come to an end at this date since they have seen this documentary posted on YouTube. While most knowledgeable people would probably reject this way of presenting the Mayan calendar it is still important to ask the question who benefits from it. I feel there are indeed many people, also apart from the participants in such documentaries that benefit from the claim that the Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012. Thus, I do not think that it is an accident that we do not hear of the October 28, 2011 date in public media. To begin with, as far as I know no one who adheres to the end date of October 28, 2011 has ever presented this as a predetermined doomsday and thus unduly associated the Mayan calendar with fear.
Read the entire article here.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Crop formations of 2009 and 11:11

Crop circles or formations rather, are nothing new. They have been around for quite a long time but I will not go into that because anyone can do the research and find various sources that point them to the history of crop circles. How they are made - in my opinion - has to do with frequency. All legitimate formations are perfect for lack of a better word and they are definitely not made by a couple of guys with rope and wooden planks during the middle of the night. Last year I wrote a little post about how I think they are made and to give you an idea you can check out my post here.

This year there have been already a few crop formations that are worthy of deciphering. One of them in particular caught my attention because it contains the digits 11:11 and it was also done just a few days ago on the 4th of may. So far the pictures below are of crop formations for this year alone. I've given you the source of the pictures so you can follow the links to see more angles if you like. All images are from cropcirleconnector.

First one of 2009 on April 20th - souce

April 19th, 2009 - source

April 23rd, 2009 - source

April 24th, 2009 - source

April 25th, 2009 - souce

April 29th, 2009 - source

May 3rd 2009 - source

May 4th, 2009 -source

May 6th, 2009 - source

I'm sure one can study these and come up with some kind of answer to what each of them mean. The one I want to concentrate on is the one with the 11:11, made on the 4th of May, 2009. If you notice all the formations, they're all perfect like I stated before. Aside from the one on April 25th, which doesn't look too convincing and I can't really tell what it is, the rest are very nice to look at.

The formation done on the 4th of the month is the most complex of them all, to me at least. Follow the link to see more angles of that same formation. Notice that the line in the middle of the formation is not entirely straight - it's slanted. Given the sophistication of these formations and how perfect they seem, why would this one that looks to be the most complicated one have a slanted line down the middle?

To me crop formations are messages from higher beings. I firmly believe that and if you would like to know why, do your own research on crop formations and just look at the beauty and perfection that they entail. This particular formation on the 4th - from what I can tell by looking at it - represents the galactic alignment of Dec 21st, 2012. It's telling us that we're very, very close to that point, obviously, but it's not just that. Whoever the designer is for these formations, is giving us a heads up and telling us to get ready because the time of the alignment is closer than we think. That is why the line down the middle is not completely straight. I'm no crop circle expert but to me, that line represents the galactic plane that we're just about to cross. What will happen when we get to that precise moment at 11:11 on Dec 21st, 2012? I'm hoping something wonderful.

Monday, May 4, 2009

11:11 Investigated

Back in November of last year I wrote a post about 11:11 in regards to how it had affected my experience. You can find that post here. Not too long ago a friend pointed me to this new blog I happen to like that has a post in regards to the same subject but it's way more detailed than what I put together.

I hope you enjoy the read, it's quite good.

Source: 2012Rising

11:11 2012 Investigated.

The winter solstice of 21-12-2012 marks the end of the Mayan Long Count cycle. This occurs at 11:11 universal time. This fact opened a Pandora’s box of interesting new 2012 linked data.

Some years ago amidst my explorations of occult subjects I discovered the cult of interest surrounding the specific time 11:11. This movement came about due to peoples peculiar experiences with that time or with the number 1111. Generally speaking this was a matter of synchronicity or meaningful coincidence.

The 11:11 phenomena’s participants would find that most days they would happen to look at a clock at exactly 11:11 or perhaps 23:11. Some tried to explain why this was happening.

The most popular explanation was that a group of higher being, or angels, were using it to bring themselves into human awareness. This explanation became very popular and spawned numerous groups and books. This interpretation of 11:11 phenomena is however not of great interest to most 2012 researchers like myself.

The number 11 in both singular and duplicated form has great importance for 2012 related astrology, prophecy, numerology and history. Lets just start by making everyone aware that if we take the Mayan symbol for 11 and then duplicate it, flip its duplicate, shift them both ninety degrees, we have the image of 11:11.

Of course 11 has its own numerological meanings. One numerological interpretation is that it marks the beginning of new cycles, increased spiritual leanings and compassion. It is considered as one of the master numbers, those few that are not reduced by the addition of the constituent numbers.

This number and specifically the time 11:11 being so linked to the December 2012 event has stunned many of those experiencing these temporal synchronicity events. Indeed it has shocked some of the supernatural and occult subject researchers who had long begun to ignore the phenomenon, myself included.

I have myself experienced many 11:11 temporal synchronicity events. Additionally I have 1:1 in my birth-date, which on an intuitive level always felt some-how important to my life quest. It was the synchronicity of separate personal contacts having sent me 11:11 related data within hours of one another that brought this subject up again actually. Logging into a 2012 site in which to post a follow up I found myself on post number 1111 of the web thread!

An important element of the 21-12-2012 subject is the contemplation of Solar dynamics and Solar behaviour. I am no Heliophysicist or particle physicist so will rarely brave explaining any magnetospheric dynamics in relation to 2012. Even respected ‘experts’ on the science behind the workings of our nearest star admit that they do not have complete models. New understandings are constantly being reached in this area of astrophysics.

There is no doubt that the Sun’s erratic behaviour has massive effects on Earth’s biosphere. We sometimes forget that we do not merely orbit the sun but rather reside deep within its magnetosphere, the invisible part of the sun that extends out as a spherical bubble enclosing the inner planets.

Many experts have contended that changes in atmospheric ion count for example can effect human and animal behaviour, as well as our bio-clocks. Thus influencing biological, physiological and behavioural patterns of all living things. Certainly we know that some frequencies of radiation from the sun can effect cell division or brain functions. Excess or lack of certain frequencies and types of solar radiation have been observed to give radical effects on human beings under laboratory conditions.

The reason why the Sun becomes important in the 11:11 subject is not simply the solstice point in our calendar. It also happens to be that the sun’s magnetic field operates a cycle of polarity reversals averaging 11.11 years in length. The next peak of this cycle happens to be in the year 2012 and has been predicted by some astrophysicists to likely be a very active maximum. Some posit possibly the most active since the end of the last ice-age.

There are also important 11 year cycles in human population growth in respect of birth rates.

Even more incredible is the finding that the entire mass of the black hole central to our galaxy spins once every 11 minutes.

Nikola Tesla, the unsung hero of science whom gave us such wonders as alternating current (imagine not having that!), was very interested in the Sun. Although a hard scientist he was also rather superstitious about numbers, and held the perhaps strange belief that the Sun and the Earth were dynamic living organisms. A belief held by many indigenous peoples of the America’s. I mention this because on some level I am left wondering if the Sun is either consciously or by unknown natural mechanisms communicating with the life forms that inhabit its sphere of influence.

Is the Sun, our temporal governor, speaking to us through the very devices that display its movement through the divisions of the day. Could this really be like the elephant in the living room that nobody wants to see. The sun having an 11.11 year cycle, the winter solstice of 2012 falling at 11:11 and people all over the world finding themselves bombarded with 11’s just as science is predicting some kind of majestic solar event at the peak of this current cycle seems more than coincidence.

One rather dire possible event is the Earth being hit by a massive Solar event such as the November 2003 monster X-ray flare that erupted from the Sun. This was the most powerful solar flare ever recorded at X-28. It blinded the NOAA GOES satellite for 11 minutes.

There is even a cosmic 11-11 mystery. Two comets called 34D/Gale and Boethin, have mysteriously vanished. Both of these were 11 year period objects!

Interestingly 11’s have played important roles in recent history. The 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day is the official moment of remembrance for the lives lost during, and cessation of, the terrible fighting in Europe during WWI. Two minutes of silence are observed, a pair of 1's yet again.

More recently we have the initiation of a war on September 11-01, which may yet be remembered as the start of WWIII. It also transpires that 111 in numerology is a ‘power number’ related to fresh modes of thinking applied to new cycles in life‘s play.

The TowerIt is of additional note that not only did we have the start of the war-on-terror on the 11th September, but that it was heralded by the destruction of the two great world trade centre buildings appearing to stand above the New York skyline in the form of an enormous 11.The 1st plane that impacted was flight 11 with 11 crew on board.

An aspect of 9-11 not mentioned much is that card number 16 of the classical Tarot portrays a tower struck and crumbling away with people falling. The card appears in Tarot spreads as an indicator of massive tumultuous and painful changes before something new can appear. It was as though the symbol for massive turbulent changes just leap off our Tarot card and onto our TV screens.

As a 21-12-2012 subject matter researcher, it would be perhaps ironic if I had missed the timing of the event in relation to that subject. The events of that fateful day occurred just over 11 years from the end of the Mayan calendar. Was this a vast cosmic herald of great change relating to the numbers 11, 111, 11-11?

Its also interesting to note that the very numbers of the solstice date 21 12 2012 combined give us the number 11 once again. Almost like a fail safe, just in case we were too dumb to notice all the other 11 related patterns!

One fun mathematical oddity is the fact that 1111 multiplied by 1111 gives us 1234321. This forms two sides of a structure like a small Maya stepped pyramid in numeric form. In terms of the much vaunted ‘New Age’ and the coming of the era of Aquarius it is notable that the water bearer is the 11th sign of the zodiac cycle.

Interestingly 1111 days before the 2012 solstice is the date 6-12-09. The fact that 6, 9, & 12 are sequential multiples of perhaps the most highly regarded spiritual number 3 is a notable fact. For my part 3, 33, 333 & 3:33 have been the numbers that follow me through my life more than any others in relation to synchronicity. The 11 link returns when we divide 33 by 3 which of course give us 11 once again. Also don't forget that the date 9-11 can be seen in numerology as 333-11.

Perhaps the most powerful lesson inherent in the number 11, is that there is one, and next to it there is one. I am another yourself, and you are another myself. Each is one. All are one. There is only one or lak'ech as the Maya say.

If only all mankind could find in that a simple positive message.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

X Conference 2009 - press conference - more video in HD

I just found this recently. It is more from the press conference at National Press Club this past April 20th. What's neat about these two videos is that they are in HD and have better audio than the ones on youtube. Hope you enjoy this one because the first part shows you Edgar Mitchel - another thing that you cannot see in the one on youtube. Also, this actual press conference cannot be found on, which is strange because they aired it live. If someone can find it on their site let me know.

Exopolitics Denmark and Germany were present at the Press Conference held at the National Press Club in Washington DC on April 20 2009.

Former Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell called upon the United States government to disclose the extraterrestrial presence.

Former fighter pilot Milton Torres related his story of how he was ordered to shoot at an aircraft carrier sized UFO over England in the 50s.

Former employee at the British Ministry of Defence Nick Pope supported Milton Torres' story.

The American historian Richard Dolan introduced the second volume of his new book: UFOs and the National Security State.

Alfred Webre (JD) encouraged nations to bring up the UFO subject in the UN.

Dr. Roger Leir presented new physical evidence of human contact with extraterrestrial beings. He was flanked by metallurgist Alex Moser Ph.D. and Senior Member of Technical Staff at YTC America INC.

Former CNN news anchor Cherryl Jones went to the podium to support the efforts to get governments to disclose the ET presence.

The press conference was covered by CNN and was hosted by Stephen Bassett and Paradigm Research Group.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

X Conference 2009 (post press conference)

This conference just aired yesterday April 20th, 2009. It is hosted by Cheryl Jones and Steven Basset, a UFO disclosure activist . What is interesting is that this aired live on CNN. I'm not sure if that's the first time that the X-Conference airs on CNN but it's worth mentioning because that means that this type of information is seeping into the mainstream media. Of course they didn't air it live on TV (i don't think). I believe they aired it live online which is still pretty significant for CNN.

*note: After posting this I realized this wasn't the X - Conference per se, but rather an actual "press conference" after the X conference held in Washington DC I believe. That is actually very cool because the things these guys are talking about are quite impressive to say the least AND they are releasing this information to mainstream media reporters! The truth seeping out little by little.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Call to Conscious Evolution

This is one of the coolest things I've ever heard of. I urge everyone who reads this to please sign it and be part of an amazing change that is unfolding right before our eyes. We are living in an amazing time in human history and we can all be part of this grandiose event. Please pass this along to your friends.

Obama Administration Requests Info on Planetary Challenges

Sat Feb 7, 2009 1:04 pm (PST)

The Obama Administration has asked the "Evolutionary Leaders" to communicate about what is transpiring on the planet, and how we can change the course of the unprecedented events that are challenging this planet. This is a window of opportunity that must be taken! A deadline was given for this information to be conveyed to the Obama Administration. The Evolutionary Leaders like Deepak Chopra, Gregg Braden, Michael Beckwith and many, many others, gathered together to write up the information to present to the Obama Administration. They are also
asking us to sign a petition to show the Administration how many people are in favor for these changes to occur. They need 10,000 signatures. We need your help to reach that number and beyond!

A Call to Conscious Evolution

Climate change, economic disparity, educational inequities, geopolitical tensions -- these mounting concerns are symptoms of a world that is out of balance. Together we can shift consciousness by co-creating a new way of being together.

The Call to Conscious Evolution was born following a gathering of global visionaries. It's a movement that fully supports that the future is not what happens to us, but rather what WE create.

Together, we can co-create a new narrative of conscious evolution by:

* Building a global community and creating a culture of peace.
* Restoring ecological balance to nourish all life, and mitigate the effects of climate change.
* Engaging in social and political transformation by calling for a more conscious democracy.
* Promoting health and healing by acknowledging the profound mind-body-spirit connection.
* Supporting research and education that optimize human capacities.
* Encouraging integrity in business and conscious media.

In this great time of uncertainty, join us in elevating consciousness to create a better world. One governed by meaning and purpose. Accept nothing less.

Every voice counts -- your voice counts.


I join with Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Jean Houston, and other evolutionary leaders to pledge to make my conscious evolution an important part of my life, and in so doing help make the world a better place.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The conciousness field

This is David Wilcock's latest article about the consciousness field. This is a must read for anyone interested in what might happen as we approach 2012. There is a 20min or so MP3 in where he discusses the information below.


Is there a "Consciousness Field" that is the source of all matter, energy, biological life and consciousness as we know it?

Does this Field effectively prove that "There is a God"?

Does it also prove that ESP and other paranormal phenomena are not so "impossible" after all — but rather just skills we all have, but are not using?

In this program you will find out the answers to these questions. Prepare to have your mind blown!

You can read the entire article in Divine and you can download an MP3 here.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Crescent Moon and Venus

For those of you who missed a spectacular looking moon with Venus next to it on the 27th, check out these pictures I took. I wish they would have come out better but my camera is not that great compared to something you could hook up to a telescope (I'll show you that that looks like too). I took several pictures because because I have no tripod and I was hoping to get at least a few crisp shots - hope you like em'



It still looked nice on the 28th but not nearly as much as the night before.

2/28/09 Dusk

2/28/09 Dusk

I like this one because you can see Venus as a crescent moon too, but you have to zoom in.

This one I found on the net. I think this was taken by an amateur astronomer. I wish I had a big telescope so I could do this too. This one is from the 27th of Feb. Source.

Monday, February 23, 2009

New Radio Interviews with David Wilcock

Just last night I read David Wilock's latest article and listened to his most recent radio interview. In his artcile David talks a little bit about his last Conscious Life Expo that he attended recently. I recommend you check it out because it's quite informative. I think he'll be making a video for it too, kind of like his 2012 enigma one. Definitely listen to this radio interview though. It is awesome.

This guy is a very busy bee. This is so far I think the third of fourth radio interview I've heard by him this year. You can find the other recent ones on his website. One of the things that I have noticed about this man is that he has an amazing memory and he is very consistent with his information. His story keeps getting better and better and he never ceases to amaze me. I've been following what he does for a year now and I'm blown every time. In this interview you will hear a very broad story starting from his childhood then it leads up to now. It's a total of three hours of pure ear candy as far as the information is concerned.

Download these and listen to them on your computer or Ipod.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

I also wanted to point out that I added an RSS feed from his site so now you can check out his latest updates from here. Check it out, it's towards the bottom of the page. I also wanted to include this other recent interview by David that you cannot download from his website but you can read the transcript. This interivew is also very much worth listening to because he covers slightly different ground so it's very good just like the one above. Hell, all of David Wilcock's interviews are good. I think everyone should listen to all of them but these two right here cover some of the best information having to do with 2012. In my opinion, anyone who is new to the changes that are taking place in our reality at this time should look into David Wilcock's research because he has one of the most uplifting perspectives of what's happening now and what might happen in the near future. No doom and gloom.

Anyway I hope you enjoy these and please tell your friends about the blog, spread the word.

Coast to Coast Feb 2009 Part 1

Coast to Coast Feb 2009 Part 2

Coast to Coast Feb 2009 Part 3

Coast to Coast Feb 2009 Part 4

Coast to Coast Feb 2009 Part 5

Coast to Coast Feb 2009 Part 6

Coast to Coast Feb 2009 Part 7

Friday, February 20, 2009

Obama's first 100 days

Hopefully the few of you who visit this blog have checked out the last post on Obama and the videos included about his hypedimensional election. If so then you will be interested in reading about one of the things the Obama administration is promoting in their first 100 days. They are promoting Anti Gravity. Would you like to know more?

Obama administration first 100 days to promote Antigravity Technology

The first 100 days of an Obama administration promise a number of bold initiatives aiming to reinvigorate the U.S. economy and restore America’s international image. Key personnel in the Obama administration have been appointed to implement and ensure the success of such initiatives. Among these initiatives is the anticipated release of classified technologies based on antigravity propulsion principles that can revolutionize the energy and aerospace industries. Obama’s National Security Advisor, retired Marine General James Jones, will feature prominently in the releases of antigravity technologies and associated initiatives.

Do you ever wonder why you don't see this type of news on TV? Hmm

On Feb 9th another article was posted on that is a follow up to the one above. Things are moving my friends and we need to get involved in order to make things happen.

NSC power increases in effort to regain control of X-Files

Obama’s national security advisor, General James Jones (U.S. Marines, ret.), announced in an interview with the Washington Post yesterday that the power of the National Security Council (NSC) would be dramatically increased under the Obama administration. Jones said: "The world that we live in has changed so dramatically in this decade that organizations that were created to meet a certain set of criteria no longer are terribly useful." General Jones made clear that he would take charge of NSC meetings and be the primary advisor to Obama on national security issues:

In an effort to get people involved Steven Greer, from The Orion Project and Disclosure Project has put together a PDF briefing document prepared specifically for Obama and any congressman. Anyone can use the document to send to their congressman for that same purpose - to have a voice. The document talks about free energy and how the technology is readily available but it needs funding in order to be introduced to the public. Well we all know a stumulus plan is in effect and there's tons of money that will be used for all kinds of things including new energy solutions. Well, if you have done your research you know that the best energy solution is Zero Point energy - Free Energy! If you have no idea what I am talking about then you should do yourself a favor and read about it. You can download the PDF document here.

Another thing worth mentioning is that the Orion Project has implemented a nice feature on their site that lets you fax your congressman or the president in effort make it easier for anyone to voice their opinions. I highly recommend all my friends to do this. Here's the link.

What now?

By now you should have gotten the idea that Obama is no ordinary president. This guy knows more than what you might think he does. He is all about "for the people by the people" and that's where we come in. We can make a difference right now if we voice out our opinions on matters like these. Get involved, write to your president and congressman. Tell them you want to know the truth about what has been hidden from the people for decades. Use that free fax system implemented in the Orion Project website and write to him! It's that easy.

Friday, February 6, 2009

"We are one" - Barack Obama

I've been meaning to write about this for a few weeks now. I've been slacking with putting information on the blog for like three months now but now I have some juicy stuff that is worth mentioning. It appears Obama is quite aware of the fact that we are one. Here's a man who is literally changing the consciousness of our humanity. He is acting as a catalyst for change and seems to be doing a good job so far. He is giving the people hope.

On January 18th there was a concert in Washington DC in celebration of the inauguration of the new president. The concert was labeled "We are one" by none other than the president himself. For him to believe in such a concept it would mean that he has studied ancient cultures and also has an understanding of the unity of the universe that we are all part of. There is no separation. As many bright minds like David Wilcock say these days "there is only one of us here".

According to Richard Hoagland, Obama has been known to say "we are the ones we have been waiting for" early during his campaign for presidency. The first time I became aware of that statement was when first learned of Carl Calleman, author of Solving the Mysteries of our time: The Mayan Calendar. I can't remember too clearly at the moment, but I believe Ian Lunghold mentions that quote in his lectures about the Mayan calendar. *You can find those videos on my video bar.

I've mentioned Richard Hoagland on other of my posts and you can find other videos of his on my video bar as well. Late last year he attended a conference where he gave one of the best lectures I've seen by him. All his stuff is pretty informative and most definitely mind altering, but this lecture is mostly about hyperdimensional physics and how it relates to Obama's election. That might sound strange to some but it will all make sense once you watch these videos. It will make even more sense if you are part of the crowd that is consciously moving into a new era in our civilization - an era where humanity unites and everyone becomes aware that we are one.

Enjoy, pay attention and learn something :)

The Hyperdimensional Election of Barak Obama and 2012 Part 1

The Hyperdimensional Election of Barak Obama and 2012 Part 2