This year there have been already a few crop formations that are worthy of deciphering. One of them in particular caught my attention because it contains the digits 11:11 and it was also done just a few days ago on the 4th of may. So far the pictures below are of crop formations for this year alone. I've given you the source of the pictures so you can follow the links to see more angles if you like. All images are from cropcirleconnector.
First one of 2009 on April 20th - souce
April 19th, 2009 - source
April 23rd, 2009 - source
April 24th, 2009 - source
April 25th, 2009 - souce
April 29th, 2009 - source
May 3rd 2009 - source
May 4th, 2009 -source
May 6th, 2009 - source
I'm sure one can study these and come up with some kind of answer to what each of them mean. The one I want to concentrate on is the one with the 11:11, made on the 4th of May, 2009. If you notice all the formations, they're all perfect like I stated before. Aside from the one on April 25th, which doesn't look too convincing and I can't really tell what it is, the rest are very nice to look at.
The formation done on the 4th of the month is the most complex of them all, to me at least. Follow the link to see more angles of that same formation. Notice that the line in the middle of the formation is not entirely straight - it's slanted. Given the sophistication of these formations and how perfect they seem, why would this one that looks to be the most complicated one have a slanted line down the middle?
To me crop formations are messages from higher beings. I firmly believe that and if you would like to know why, do your own research on crop formations and just look at the beauty and perfection that they entail. This particular formation on the 4th - from what I can tell by looking at it - represents the galactic alignment of Dec 21st, 2012. It's telling us that we're very, very close to that point, obviously, but it's not just that. Whoever the designer is for these formations, is giving us a heads up and telling us to get ready because the time of the alignment is closer than we think. That is why the line down the middle is not completely straight. I'm no crop circle expert but to me, that line represents the galactic plane that we're just about to cross. What will happen when we get to that precise moment at 11:11 on Dec 21st, 2012? I'm hoping something wonderful.
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