Hello friends, if I haven't done so before, let me introduce you to Steven Greer. He's a physician, a ufologist and a very big voice in the disclosure movement, in fact he's the founder of the disclosure project. He's also a contactee, which is what this radio show is all about and he has been doing this for 15+ years. Anyone who is a believer in the ET presence will be very psyched after listening to this show. I've been feeling like this for months - feeling that we'll make contact very soon, sooner than you might think. That pumps me up in a good way.
After listening to this show I am now thinking of how I could get together with people in my area who are aware of this information and would be interested in trying this ourselves. Personally I know it works and I can say that because I've had my own experience and I was able to share it with my mother and a very close friend of mine and his mom. I know what I saw, they know what they saw and no one could ever tell us otherwise. It was a moving experience and I will remember it forever. Unfortunately I will not go into that on this posting but if you like you can read a post I wrote in regards to the experience I had on the book of light forums. I'm known as Wanderer there.
Anyway, here's the link to the World Pujia Network broadcast with Steven Greer regarding ET Contact using our minds :) I recommend you download the MP3 to be able to put up the volume even higher. The volume on that page's player is very low.
By all means, please pass this along to friends, even people whom you might think will not be interested in this. Who knows, maybe you'll get them to start asking questions.
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