Thursday, October 30, 2008

My comments on session 1

I’ve decided to change the way in I will be posting this information. I started out just cutting and pasting the first few sessions from the Ra contact, but I’ve decided I will try and throw in some commentary in between posting sessions to give you my thoughts on how I experienced the information. That’s why I removed sessions two to seven and will be posting those in the near future. I’m going through this material again for the second time because I’m sure I’ll learn something new and I’ll get to share it with you.

Assuming you like what you have read so far in session one, I would like to recommend to those who would like to engage in a discussion about this information, to join the Book of Light. The Book of Light is a website I recently discovered and I have found it to be just a wonderful place to meet other like minded beings. There’s a lot of stuff you can do there; lots of stuff to read; lots of stuff to look at and even listen to, and it’s all free! One of the reasons for me creating this blog aside from wanting to show my friends was because of the webmaster at the book of light. When I first watched her little video intro to the website I felt inspired to put a little something together of my own. She sounds like an amazing person. Go there and see what I mean. There is a soon to be section there that will be specifically designed to discuss this material. Posting comments in a blog is cool and all but having a discussion about Ra material is much better in my opinion, so join up and hopefully I’ll see you there and we’ll exchange stories.

When I first started this blog I didn’t really know exactly what approach I would be taking since I’m new to this blogging thing. I knew I was doing this so I could show the few friends I have talked to about this material. However I am not sure most of them will even check it out, considering I have given them plenty little tid-bits of information here and there and also recommended they buy the books. A couple of my friends have read parts of the first book and others haven’t bothered. Still though, I’m hopeful this information will reach out to someone who sees it as I do – absolutely mind-blowing, ludicrously amazing so let me share my experience with you and perhaps the law of one will impact your life the way it has mine.

I would like to emphasize that you can go to the publishers website and download The Law of One books for free and just read them on your own time, but you won’t get this cool, hard to resist, can’t stop reading commentary that you are getting right here. The way I see it, I am at least increasing the chances someone will trip over a rock and land face first right on top of my blog. If that happens then it will have served its purpose and perhaps I would have awakened another soul. I don’t know, maybe I’m doing this for myself as something therapeutic in a sense because, really, I don’t feel like I’m talking to other people as I write this, even though some people will read this at some point. I feel like I’m talking to myself, which I am. And if you are reading this and you already understand that we are one then I am talking to myself in many different aspects because we are one, friend.

On to the experience…

I think the first time I learned about Ra was, was when I was in the 9th grade. My first period class was ancient history. At the time I didn’t really have an interest in history but I was fascinated by the Egyptians and their culture. Thinking of this civilization that lived thousands of years ago involving these huge monuments supposedly “made by hand” was so out there for me and still is. That land has always been very mystical to me. At some point in my life I have thought that perhaps I was an Egyptian in a past incarnation and who knows, maybe I was and that’s why, for a long time, I have felt very drawn to that idea.

If you do not yet understand who or what Ra is in terms of a social memory complex I’ll try to simplify: He is many but acting as one, kind of like a hive mind but yet all minds are unique. That’s way different than what you see written in our history books isn’t it? We will be like him someday when our planet is living in harmony and everyone is seeking the light for a much higher meaning and understanding of the creation. That just blows me away. The cycle of creation never ends – infinitely intelligent and creative.

So here we have Ra reaching this group of three to give them his understanding of “truth” for the purpose of spreading the knowledge of The Law of One, the mind, body and spirit. The concepts he is laying out have nothing to do with religion, cults or anything having to do with worship. He is just telling it like it is and taking it back to a time when time didn’t exist. However, if you happen to be reading this material and enjoying it, it will challenge your beliefs. Statements such as “All of creation is part of one original thought” will challenge several religions’ supposed truths.

Before I became familiar with the Law of One I was going through an awakening process. I was unplugging myself from the matrix – freeing myself from years of programming. It felt amazing. I literally felt as if I was going to float away because I felt as if I was vibrating (and still am) at a much higher frequency than I was prior to the awakening process. I was very happy to be going through that experience and I couldn’t help but want to share it with others. That is a big part of the reason I created this little project – to share my experience with you – my other self.

One of the first things that caught my attention was the date of Dec 21st, 2012. I think I was reading a world of warcraft forum where someone had posted that date and its relation to the Mayan calendar end times. I then stumbled on a place that talked little bit about what that date meant. There was a very brief description and what it said was something along the lines of: “Dec 21st 2012 is the end of one of the Mayan calendars”. This calendar signifies the end of times according to their culture – a time when one age ends and new, “golden age” begins. Our solar system will align itself with the center of the galaxy and receive a “spark” of energy that will connect all of human consciousness with everything that is. WHAT? Does that sound awesome or what? I was blown away by that little piece of information. I then went and did some more research about the Mayan Calendar and its validity. The more I read the more intrigued I became of this new knowledge. I was hungry for it and for some reason I felt as if I was consuming it faster and faster. Even lately when I read certain things I feel as if I am reading faster than ever before and consuming information better than I did years ago.

From all the things I have read about the Mayan calendar my conclusion is that it’s perfect. You can do some research and test it out for yourself. Look up lunar and solar eclipses and then cross reference the dates with those of the Mayan calendar to see what you come up with as an example. You’ll be surprised. Another thing I would recommend is for you to watch Ian Lunghold’s lecture on the calendar. It is very informative and the information is just amazing.

Something that caught my attention like you wouldn’t believe was when I first noticed Ra say that at the time he incarnated, he went to Egypt, South America and the “lost cities”. All those regions and lost cities have some amazing architecture – the type that we do not see today except in those areas. One of those lost cities happens to be Mayan. At this point – in my opinion - I think it would be safe to say that there is a very strong possibility one of Ra’s aspects was responsible for teaching the Mayan culture about calendars and astronomy. This knowledge went hand in hand with their way of life and it is probably why they were able to become such a rich civilization. This was a very cool synchronicity for me. To me it makes a lot of sense and it’s one of the things that first started to fascinate me due to be making all these connections.

Pretty much every little thing coming from Ra has been blowing me away by this point and it’s only the first session! These books are short but let me tell you, the information is jam packed. If you haven’t raised an eyebrow yet will be at some point I’m sure.

Somewhere in the middle of session one Ra is asked a question but it’s missed. My guess is that they asked him “what is the law of one?” The following statement he gives as his answer really resonated within me as truth. Well pretty much everything I have read up to book four resonates with me but having only read the very first session so far but this really stood out for me.

“Questioner: (The question was lost because the questioner was sitting too far from the tape recorder to be recorded.)

Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, that the universe is infinite. This has yet to be proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to your selves, your understanding, what you would call your journey of seeking, or your perceptions of the creation.

That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. To have infinity you must identify or define the infinity as unity; otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning. In an Infinite Creator there is only unity. You have seen simple examples of unity. You have seen the prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight. This is a simplistic example of unity.

In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things. You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.”

We are one. Of course!

What I find most interesting is the way Ra speaks. He sounds like a super wise being with endless knowledge. You will notice as the sessions get longer the answers get more complex. Sometimes you will read something Ra says once and say to yourself “what?!” and then read it a few more times, but that’s what makes him awesome. He’s very complex and he’s deep.

So far I had made the connection that “I” think Ra was the one who showed the Mayan people the use of calendars. The next thing I was about to find out would further proof to me that I was on the right track as far as my spiritual grown was concerned. Here in this next quote Ra mentions for he first time, “harvest”. Harvest is none other than exactly what is happening with this whole Dec 21, 2012 date. I think this would be a good time to mention that Ra never gives dates, he gives approximations.

“Questioner: Can you comment on the coming planetary changes in our physical reality?

Ra: I am Ra. I preferred to wait till this instrument had again reached a proper state of depth of singleness or one-pointedness before we spoke.

The changes are very, very trivial. We do not concern ourselves with the conditions which bring about harvest.”

(The planetary changes they are referring to are covered in the introduction to book one. Apparently all of the planets in our solar system are going through changes and that is what they are questioning Ra about. These very same planetary changes are discussed in length in Richard Hoagland’s website. I highly recommend you read that article)

*The harvest will come up again so I’ll save the many things I could say about it for a later time to talk about it in more detail.

To give you another idea of why I had the urge to share this information take a look at the quote below. The answer Ra gives here is a very good description of how I have been feeling about sharing this information with others and perhaps another good reason I was inspired to create this blog. I wanted to do something and this seemed like a good idea to start spreading the word.

“Questioner: If an individual makes efforts to act as a catalyst in general to increase the awareness of planetary consciousness, is he of any aid in that direction, or is he doing nothing but acting upon himself?

(This question is answered in two parts – this is the second paragraph of the second part of the answer.)

Ra: Each of those in this group is striving to use, digest, and diversify the information which we are sending this instrument into the channels of the mind/body/spirit complex without distortion. The few whom you will illuminate by sharing your light are far more than enough reason for the greatest possible effort. To serve one is to serve all. Therefore, we offer the question back to you to state that indeed it is the only activity worth doing: to learn/teach or teach/learn. There is nothing else which is of aid in demonstrating the original thought except your very being, and the distortions that come from the unexplained, inarticulate, or mystery-clad being are many. Thus, to attempt to discern and weave your way through as many group mind/body/spirit distortions as possible among your peoples in the course of your teaching is a very good effort to make. We can speak no more valiantly of your desire to serve.”

I think right now I very much feel a desire to serve by teaching - in my own little way - the law of one and by just having read one session I already had a very good understanding of what Ra meant by “we are one”. That’s why I titled this blog after that statement. I truly understand now, that we are one and that is why I wish to share this information because by doing so I might help enlighten one other person and that will fulfill my mission.

Everything Ra has said up to this point resonates true within me. It makes complete sense to me and “I get it”. It’s amazing but I’m not here to convince anyone of that. I’m here to share and simply to suggest for you to find your own truth, to seek within yourselves as I have and find the true meaning of your existence. Learn to understand that you are the creator and part of the original thought.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Knock Knock, Neo, the Matrix has you (blog intro)

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. Chances are you are here because: you are a personal friend of mine, one of my friends told you about my blog or you found it by accident. Perhaps you are one of the many individuals who is experiencing the shift in consciousness that is occurring in our planet at this time and you are looking for answers. Regardless of how you found this site, welcome. I am writing this for you. I would like to help you see and understand what and who you are. Put your life on pause for a moment and take a few minutes reading through this page. You might learn something and maybe just maybe you will start to notice certain things that you were not aware of before.

Open your mind for a moment and pretend I am Morpheus and you are Neo.


Morpheus : At last. Welcome, Neo. As you no doubt have guessed, I am Morpheus.

Neo : It's an honour to meet you.

Morpheus : No, the honour is mine....Please, come, sit.

Neo sits down in the armchair.

Morpheus : I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice...

Neo : .....?

Morpheus : Tumbling down the rabbit hole? Hmm?

Neo : You....could say that.

Morpheus : I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees, because he is expecting to wake up.Ironically, this is not far from the truth....

Morpheus : Do you believe in fate, Neo?

Neo : No.

Morpheus : Why not?

Neo : Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my own life.

Morpheus : I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know,you cannot explain. But you feel it. You've felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's a splinter in you're mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you _know_ what I'm talking about?

Neo : The Matrix?

Morpheus : Do you want to know....what it is?

Neo nods

Morpheus : The Matrix is everywhere. It's all around us, even in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work or when you pay your taxes.

The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo : What truth?

Morpheus : That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison...for your mind...

Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix have to see it for yourself.


The matrix is most definitely real. No we are not hooked up to machines and being fed intravenously since we were babies and plugged in to the system at birth. It's not real in the same sense that it is in the movie but trust me when I say that it's definitely part of all of us and created by us in order to experience the creation so we could learn more about ourselves - who and what we are.

If you know me personally, you know that The Matrix is one of my favorite movies of all time. When it was first released I must have seen it a good seven times in the theater and numerous times on DVD. I was very drawn to this film and still am because I understand it more now than I did ten years ago when it was in theaters because it makes more sense now than it did back then. You will understand what I mean by that if you educate yourself about the things that will help you see that the matrix is real. I am not here to convince you of anything. I merely want to show you some of the things I have learned that made me "wake up".

Odds are that you or someone you know or someone you know, knows someone else that is familiar with the Illuminati, The New World Order, Planet X, Nibiru etc... pretty much, chances are you must be familiar with some doom and gloom scenario dealing with 2012 or have heard something that made you start to look for answers. A lot of that stuff dealing with all these negative organizations is good to know. You need to familiarize yourself with the negative in order to transcend from it, understand and embrace the positive. Yes these organizations exist and have been in control for a long, long time.They are the ones responsible for you being a slave - a slave to a monetary system, to society and religion.

These organizations have done an excellent job in keeping you asleep, unable to wake up...until now. Their systems are crumbling and they are losing control, which means they will not be able to cause any more harm. Awareness is growing like wildfire due to the internet and the sharing of free information at the speed of light.That is why I decided to start this blog - to raise awareness. It's sort of my way of "paying it forward" you could say. One of my closest friends "woke" me up(thanks Chris) and in turn I feel compelled - after everything I have learned - to help others "wake up" from their slumber.

I titled this blog We Are One because I firmly believe that after reading the Ra material. It is the result of several inspirations but mainly The Law of One. The Law of One is a collection of channeled material composed of five books written from 1981-83. The entity being channeled is Ra, a social memory complex (many minds working as one). Here you can find a collection of videos that have educated me and would recommend that you check them out yourself because they have everything to do with what is and has been going on for thousands of years. Some of the things you will learn might shock you or make you mad and that's OK, you need to go through that. Hopefully something that I have included or will include in this blog will jar your mind enough to start to question things a bit more and have your own awakening experience.

I would like to share things I have found within the Ra material that correlate with the videos and/or documentaries you will find here.I highly recommend you watch all of them. I've seen them all and then some but these videos are not the epitome of "truth" - only a mere glimpse. It has taken me a year to get educated with all this information and I'm still learning new things almost every day. Sometimes I will share random information too but it will flow with the theme of the blog in one way or another. The information I post - regardless that it may not be found in the books - is only meant to shake you up a bit so you can see that there is something that has been going on behind the curtains for thousands of years. My hope is that something I say or show you might actually get you to start looking on your own. I don't have all the answers, nor do I think I am better than other people just because of what I know. All I want to do is teach what has helped me I can change the world in my own little way.

I definitely recommend you read the books. I cannot emphasize that enough. You can download them free from the author's website or you can read the sessions and even make queries here. Personally I like holding the book and being able to read outside under a tree or even go to the beach etc.

If you made it this far, have fully read the bars of text on the side of the page regarding the law of one and Ra as well as this entire intro, then I would highly recommend you continue reading the blog. I would also recommend you watch this 2min 45sec video below and download David Wilcock's 2012: The bright side MP3 to get you a bit grounded on what else you might discover here. You should also check out my recommended links for some mind altering information.

Thank you for reading and may love and light shine on you every moment.

Session one - January 15th, 1981

On January 15, 1981, our research group began receiving a communication from the social memory complex, Ra. From this communication precipitated the Law of One and some of the distortions of the Law of One. The pages of this book contain an exact transcript, edited only to remove some personal material, of the communications received in the first twentysix
sessions with Ra.


Ra: I am Ra. I have not spoken through this instrument before. We had to wait until she was precisely tuned, as we send a narrow band vibration. We greet you in the love and in the light of our Infinite Creator.

We have watched your group. We have been called to your group, for you have a need for the diversity of experiences in channeling which go with a more intensive, or as you might call it, advanced approach to the system of studying the pattern of the illusions of your body, your mind, and your spirit, which you call seeking the truth. We hope to offer you a somewhat different slant upon the information which is always and ever the same.

The Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator has only one important statement. That statement, my friends, as you know, is that all things, all life, all of the creation is part of one original thought.

We will exercise each channel if we are able to. The reception of our beam is a somewhat more advanced feat than some of the more broad vibration channels opened by other members for more introductory and intermediate work.

Let us for a moment consider thought. What is it, my friends, to take thought? Took you then thought today? What thoughts did you think today? What thoughts were part of the original thought today? In how many of your thoughts did the creation lie? Was love contained? And was service freely given? You are not part of a material universe. You move your body, your mind, and your spirit in somewhat eccentric patterns for you have not completely grasped the concept that you are part of the original thought.

We would at this time transfer to the instrument known as Don. I am Ra.


I am Ra. I am again with this instrument. We are close to initiating a contact but we are having difficulty penetrating a certain mental tension and distraction that are somewhat characteristic of this channel. We will therefore describe the type of vibration which is being sent. The instrument will find us entering the energy field at a slight angle towards the back of the top of the head in a narrow but strong area of intensity. We are not able to offer any conditioning due to our own transmitting limitations. Therefore, if the instrument can feel this particular effect he may then speak our thoughts as they come to him. We will again attempt this contact. I am Ra.


This instrument is resisting our contact. However, we assure you that we are satisfied that contact with the one known as Don is not preferable to that instrument. We will, therefore, move on to the one known as Leonard. Again we caution the instrument that it is a narrow band of communication which is felt as a vibration entering the aura. We will now transfer this contact. I am Ra.


I am Ra. We greet you once more in the love and the light of our Infinite Creator. We ask that you be patient with us. We are a difficult channel to receive. We may perhaps add some dimensions to your understanding. At this time we would be glad to attempt to speak to any subject or question which those entities in the room may have potential use in the requesting.

Questioner: Do you have a specific purpose, and if so, could you tell us something of what your purpose is?

Ra: I am Ra. We communicate now. We are those who are of the Law of One. In our vibration the polarities are harmonized; the complexities are simplified; the paradoxes have a solution. We are one. That is our nature and our purpose.

We are old upon your planet and have served with varying degrees of success in transmitting the Law of One, of Unity, of Singleness to your peoples. We have walked your planet. We have seen the faces of your peoples. However, we now feel the great responsibility of staying in the capacity of removing the distortions and powers that have been given to the Law of One. We will continue in this, until, shall we say, your cycle is appropriately ended. If not this one, then the next. We are not a part of time and, thus, are able to be with you in any of your times.

Does this give you enough information from which to extract our purpose, my brother?

Questioner: Yes. Thank you.

Ra: I am Ra. We appreciate your vibrations. Is there another query?

Questioner: I’ve heard of the name “Ra” in connection with the Egyptians. Are you connected with that Ra in any way?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes, the connection is congruency. May we elucidate? What do you not understand?

Questioner: Could you give me a little more detail about your role with the Egyptians?

Ra: I am Ra. The identity of the vibration Ra is our identity. We as a group, or what you would call a social memory complex, made contact with a race of your planetary kind which you call Egyptians. Others from our density made contact at the same time in South America, and the so-called “lost cities” were their attempts to contribute to the Law of One.

We spoke to one who heard and understood and was in a position to decree the Law of One. However, the priests and peoples of that era quickly distorted our message, robbing it of the, shall we say, compassion with which unity is informed by its very nature. Since it contains all, it cannot abhor any.

When we were no longer able to have appropriate channels through which to enunciate the Law of One, we removed ourselves from the now hypocritical position which we had allowed ourselves to be placed in. Other myths, shall we say, having more to do with polarity and the things of your vibration that are complex, again took over in that particular society/complex.

Does this form a sufficient amount of information, or could we speak further?

Is there another query?

Questioner: (The question was lost because the questioner was sitting too far from the tape recorder to be recorded.)

Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, that the universe is infinite. This has yet to be proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to your selves, your understanding, what you would call your journey of seeking, or your perceptions of the creation.

That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. To have infinity you must identify or define the infinity as unity; otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning. In an Infinite Creator there is only unity. You have seen simple examples of unity. You have seen the prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight. This is a simplistic example of unity.

In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things. You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.

May we enunciate in more detail?

Questioner: No.

Ra: I am Ra. Is there another query at this time?

Questioner: Can you comment on the coming planetary changes in our physical reality?

Ra: I am Ra. I preferred to wait till this instrument had again reached a proper state of depth of singleness or one-pointedness before we spoke.

The changes are very, very trivial. We do not concern ourselves with the conditions which bring about harvest.

Questioner: If an individual makes efforts to act as a catalyst in general to increase the awareness of planetary consciousness, is he of any aid in that direction, or is he doing nothing but acting upon himself?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall answer your question in two parts, both of which are important equally.

Firstly, you must understand that the distinction between yourself and others is not visible to us. We do not consider that a separation exists between the consciousness-raising efforts of the distortion which you project as a personality and the distortion that you project as another personality. Thus, to learn is the same as to teach unless you are not teaching what you are learning; in which case you have done you/them little good. This understanding should be pondered by your mind/body/spirit complex as it is a distortion which plays a part in your experiences at this nexus.

To turn to the second part of our response may we state our understanding, limited though it is.

Group-individuated consciousness is that state of sharing understanding with the other distortions of mind/body/spirit complexes, which are within the evident reach of the mind/body/spirit complex individual or group. Thus, we are speaking to you and accepting both our distortions and your own in order to enunciate the laws of creation, more especially the Law of One. We are not available to many of your peoples, for this is not an easily understood way of communication or type of philosophy. However, our very being is hopefully a poignant example of both the necessity and the near-hopelessness of attempting to teach.

Each of those in this group is striving to use, digest, and diversify the information which we are sending this instrument into the channels of the mind/body/spirit complex without distortion. The few whom you will illuminate by sharing your light are far more than enough reason for the greatest possible effort. To serve one is to serve all. Therefore, we offer the question back to you to state that indeed it is the only activity worth doing: to learn/teach or teach/learn. There is nothing else which is of aid in demonstrating the original thought except your very being, and the distortions that come from the unexplained, inarticulate, or mystery-clad being are many. Thus, to attempt to discern and weave your way through as many group mind/body/spirit distortions as possible among your peoples in the course of your teaching is a very good effort to make. We can speak no more valiantly of your desire to serve.

May we speak in any other capacity upon this subject?

Questioner: Will you be available for communication? Can we call on you in the future?

Ra: I am Ra. We have good contact with this instrument because of her recent experiences with trance. She is to be able to communicate our thoughts in your future. However, we advise care in disturbing the channel for a few moments and then the proper procedure for aiding an instrument who has, to some extent, the need of re-entering the mind/body/spirit complex which the instrument has chosen for the life experience of this time/space. Do you understand how to nurture this instrument?

Questioner: No. Could you explain it?

Ra: We suggest first a brief period of silence. Then the repetition of the instrument’s vibratory complex of sound in your density which you call name. Repeat until an answer is obtained. Then the laying on of the hands at the neck region for a brief period so that the instrument may recharge batteries which are not, shall we say, full of the essence of this particular field at this time. And finally, a gift of water into which the love of all present has been given. This will restore this entity, for her distortions contain great sensitivity towards the vibrations of love and the charged water will effect comfort. Do you now understand?

Questioner: Not completely.

Ra: I am Ra. We search your mind to find the vibration (nickname). It is this vibration from you which contains the largest amount of what you would call love. Others would call this entity (first name). The charging of the water is done by those present placing their hands over the glass and visualizing the power of love entering the water. This will charge that very effective medium with those vibrations.

This instrument is, at this time, quite fatigued. However, her heart is such that she continues to remain open to us and useful as a channel. This is why we have spent the time/space explaining how the distortions of what you may call fatigue may be ameliorated.

Under no circumstances should this instrument be touched until she has responded to her name. I do not wish to take this instrument beyond her capacity for physical energy. It grows low. Therefore, I must leave this instrument. I leave you in the glory and peace of unity. Go forth in peace, rejoicing in the power of the One Creator. I am Ra.